Illawarra Mercury

Special vet care for your pet delivered to your door

Having a mobile vet visit your home creates a better experience for you, your pet and the vet.
Having a mobile vet visit your home creates a better experience for you, your pet and the vet.

This is branded content from Pawssum.

As increasing numbers of Australians embrace the benefits of having products and services delivered direct to their door, the popularity of mobile veterinarians is on the rise.

Having a Pawssum vet visit your home isn't just a matter of convenience - it's also about comfort and an overall better experience for you, your fur baby and even the veterinarian.

For many pets, getting to and being treated in a clinic is stressful. Cats in particular are well known for not liking car trips, and having your pet around other animals when they're unwell isn't always a great idea, especially if they're anxious.

With all of this to deal with, a trip to the clinic means pet parents regularly end up stressed too, so being able to receive treatment at home is a relief for everyone.

During the pandemic and lockdown periods, vets categorised as essential service can visit you at home by practicing social distancing and wearing PPE. This service provides a relief to worried pet owners who can't, or prefer not to, travel to the clinic.

Another major benefit of this growing veterinary trend is that the attending vet has a less chaotic environment to work in. They can focus on your pet without being distracted by other distressed animals in the clinic. And they're typically able to choose a more flexible on-call schedule to achieve a better work-life balance, meaning your pet is getting the best possible care.

While some pet owners might worry that a mobile vet won't be able to take care of all of their pet's needs, home-visiting vets usually partner with local clinics for those occasional times when animals can't avoid having to go in for surgery or go through tests like x-ray for example.

And some mobile vets are also using apps that give you access to your pet's medical records any time of the day or night, as well as offering telepet video chat - handy!

End-of-life care kindness

One of the most difficult things all pet owners will ultimately face is saying goodbye - and it makes sense that, when the time comes, many people would rather be at home.

Dealing with your pet's passing can be a significant stressor and the benefits of being in familiar, warm surroundings with much-needed love and privacy can't be underestimated for you or your fur baby.

A calm space with a compassionate, respectful, and experienced Pawssum vet makes euthanasia as dignified and peaceful as possible. These days, home visiting vets are able to offer post-euthanasia aftercare too.

Sometimes people are unsure if it's time for their pet to be put to rest or if their condition is still manageable. Mobile vet video conferencing is helpful in these scenarios and involves a veterinarian who specialises in end-of-life care offering guidance to help you decide if your pet can still be treated to stay comfortable or if they're too unwell for quality-of-life care to continue.

Less stress: Cats particularly are known for not liking car trips so having a vet come to your home can help avoid unnecessary anxiety - for you and your pet.
Less stress: Cats particularly are known for not liking car trips so having a vet come to your home can help avoid unnecessary anxiety - for you and your pet.

Easier after-hours care

When pets hurt themselves or fall ill at times when regular vet clinics are not open, mobile vets are clearly the best option.

It's estimated about 65 per cent of visits after 6pm to 24-hour animal hospitals could have been treated at home by a mobile vet, negating the need to bundle up your out-of-sorts pet to drive to a strange place at a time when your pet and yourself are in the most anxious state,

It also works better financially, as well as being covered by insurance.

Sometimes, going to an emergency hospital is necessary but your Pawssum mobile vet should be able to help you gauge what you're dealing with via video or phone chat and advise if staying home is an option.

Given they carry with them all the required medications to treat your pet, there's no reason to head out of the house if you don't have to.

For a great national mobile vet service, check out

This is branded content from Pawssum.